Sunday, December 29, 2019
No Child Left Behind The United States Education System
Summary Evidence of change is heavily supported by the many change initiatives the United States’ education system has seen in the past few years. There have been programs and initiatives that have been implemented and replaced, due to their ineffectiveness as a whole. Programs such as No Child Left behind (2002) were brought in as an initiative to assist schools with bridging the gap for students who had fell behind or schools who were falling behind; however, this initiative failed due to its one size fits all methodology. The NCLB initiative became too much for schools and school officials to implement effectively. Consequently, in 2015 the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was created to fill the voids that were missing from NCLB. For example, NCLB accountability results were based on test scores alone, while ESSA focuses on multiple progress areas. ESSA provides a well-rounded education program for all students, regardless of their background or home environment. It includes more rigorous college and career readiness standards nationwide. These standards ensure that students nationwide are receiving the same information and skill sets. For example, the college and career readiness standards ensure that students are leaving grade school prepared to think critically, which will allow them to graduate from college or find a career outside of the college realm. NCLB lacked this foundation. The basis for which schools are assessed fall under many components, rather than justShow MoreRelatedThe Education System Of Education1728 Words  | 7 Pagesdays of preschool, â€Å"We the People†have all passed through the education system. Now that I have moved to a higher institution of learning I reflect on the lessons taught by our school system. It seemed to me that the lessons were not to challenging. In middle school, the teachers showed great care for the students. 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According to Aske, Connolly, Corman, (2012), â€Å"all children in the United States have the right to a publicly supported education regardless of race, social class or religious beliefs is an American value.†The important point that we should take care of in the rights of education do not look at students’ s ocial levels, race, and religions. Therefore, early reformers attempted andRead MoreEducation Is A Central Need Of All People Around Over The World1543 Words  | 7 PagesEducation considers as a central need of all people around over the world. All children have the whole right to learn. According to Aske, Connolly, Corman, (2013), â€Å"all children in the United States have the right to a publicly supported education regardless of race, social class or religious beliefs is an American value.†The important point that we should take care of in the rights of education do not look at students’ social levels, race, and religions. Therefore, early reformers attempted andRead More No Child Left Behind Will Reform Our Educational System Essay1748 Words  | 7 PagesNo Child Left Behind Will Reform Our Educational System (this essay is missing the works cited) Just three days after taking office in January of 2001 as the forty third president of the United States, George W. Bush announced his plan of No Child Left Behind. Signed January 8, 2002, it was the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the central federal law in pre-collegiate education. (Rebora) No Child Left Behind cleared Congress in a landslide with overwhelming majoritiesRead MoreThe No Child Left Behind Act1633 Words  | 7 Pagestest in 2015. These numbers are unchanged from 2013, showing that no progress is being made. The United States education system needs to drastically be reformed so that our test scores and work output is comparable to that of higher-achieving nations such as China and Japan. One policy currently in place that is making it difficult for teachers to teach the way they would like is the No Child Left behind Act. The act was originally made so that schools are held accountable for their students’ progressRead MoreThe No Child Left Behind Act Of 2001 ( Nclb )1227 Words  | 5 PagesThe No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) is a United States Act of Congress that is a reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, which included Title I, the government s flagship aid program for disadvantaged students. No Child Left behind was enacted with the intent to become a government aid program for disadvantaged students, and eventually raise the general education standards for the United States. This act was created with the idea to â€Å"close the achievement gap withRead MoreWhy Is Common Core Necessary?961 Words  | 4 Pages Common Core is needed to stabilize education. Through the implementation of Common Core, every child will learn the same thing at the same time. Education throughout the country would be equal and no child would truly be left behind. The theory of Common Core is good, but the implementation so far has not been. Creating an unified teaching curriculum is a great idea for any child who would be moving across the country, or even to another state, mid-school year; that way the student wouldRead MoreThe Evolution Of The Education1566 Words  | 7 Pagesof Education in America Education plays the most crucial role in the quality of life any person will ever live. Before a set structure, or a standard of education was made, education was not considered a necessity. Once the importance of education was established and more people began attending school, the race to a higher education became more intense than ever. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019
Analysis and Reflection of Square Peg Why Wesleyans...
Square Peg: Why Wesleyans Arent Fundamentalists, a book edited by Al Truesdale and published by Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, examines two significantly different ways of understanding the nature and role of the Bible that mark different parts of Christ’s church. The first is represented by fundamentalism; the second by Wesleyan theology. The goal of the book is to help persons in Wesleyan denominations clearly understand the differences between Wesleyan theology and fundamentalist theology, and that even though both are of the Christian faith, how the theology between the two are incompatible with one another. â€Å"Without becoming divisive or claiming perfection in Christian doctrine, the various denominations hold theological†¦show more content†¦That is a question we must ask as we read the Bible from their point of view. â€Å"Far from trying to make the Bible address modern science, this position holds that Gen. 1 is a distinct theological statement s et within ancient Israels cultural context.†(loc 677 Kindle, Branson) This position doesnt attempt to have a scientific explanation of how things happened in the Bible, but keeps science and the Bible separated. Thus as we read Genesis from an Israelite viewpoint, â€Å"we free the text to speak with its own powerful voice.†(loc 894 Kindle, Branson) This position is one that Biblical scholars generally advocate in the study of the Bible. For while science can try and explain what processes God may have used in the creation of the universe, this shouldnt take away the joy and wonder of what God created. â€Å"Science has enlarged our concepts of space and time and by doing enlarged our understanding of the sovereignty and majesty of the God who rules over all of creation and who in Christ became incarnate as the worlds Redeemer (John 1:1-5;3:16). â€Å" (loc 897 Kindle, Branson) Knowing these three positions are important to understanding how different people go a bout their studying of the Bible. There shouldnt be a right or wrong way how you study the Bible as long as you take the message of God into your lives. â€Å"Any interpretation of the Bible that hinders the Holy Spirits witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ or that diverts our full attention from discipleship
Friday, December 13, 2019
The Subject Of Education In Cambodia Education Essay Free Essays
string(120) " male childs and misss, entree to clean H2O and sanitation and the protection of kids from force, development and AIDs\." Education is really of import agencies to develop and construct up human resources for development of each state and it is besides of import for development of kid as individual. However, educational system in Cambodia has suffered excessively much during Khmer Rouge Regime from 1975 to 1979. After that period, the authorities has tried to better it by cooperated and collaborated with external assistance and non-governmental organisation ( NGOs ) . We will write a custom essay sample on The Subject Of Education In Cambodia Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Harmonizing to the Kampuchean fundamental law, it states that â€Å" the province shall supply free primary and secondary instruction to all citizens in public school. Citizens shall have instruction for at least nine old ages †. Nowadays, though the students have no wage the fee, they still have to pass money on other things such as letter paper, text editions, part fee etc. Furthermore, some states pupils are asked to pass money to teacher for fee ; this is the job that prevent student from hapless households from go toing school. About a half a million Kampuchean kids from 6 to 11 old ages old have no entree to school, so 50percent of those who entered rate one dropped out of school and had to reiterate the category. Those jobs are caused by picture games, karaoke and the presence of whorehouse for the pupils in metropolis, and for female students, they could non go to school because of many jobs. First, parents are hapless, so they can non supply kids to larn and sometime they need their kids, particularly the misss, to gain money to back up the household. Second, the schools are located excessively far off from their house. Merely male child can travel to school at some distance from place because they have given adjustment in pagodas near the school. The last 1 is some parents do non understand about the of import of instruction, so they do non let their kids to go to school. Furthermore, the ministry of instruction has non provided equal instruction for minority kids. Many kids can non entree to school, and there is no proviso for schooling in minority linguistic communications except for categories provided by private ethic associations. Not merely that, there is deficient particular instruction proviso for disablements kids. Even though some organisations co-operated with authorities to supply school for those, this attempt is non yet plenty. Then, the quality of instruction in Cambodia is really hapless. Some schools in urban countries have about 60 to 80 pupils in each category, because there are non adequate category for students, most schools operated two displacements or three displacements per a twenty-four hours that affect the students ‘ feeling to analyze. Other thing is that the limited skilled of instructors cut down the quality of educational system. Technical and pedagogical preparation for instructor is non up to standard yet. There are many learning methods such as child-centered acquisition method has been taught to some instructors ; nevertheless, instructors still follow the old instruction methods. The last point is the deficiency of committedness of instructor because they receive a little sum of wage ( about $ 15 to $ 20 per month ) that lead to the low motive for learning. Then, they need to happen others occupation to supplement their incomes for endurance. In fact, the national authorities budget allotment to Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport was merely 10.3 % in 1997 and increase to 12 % in 1998, which is still really, in peculiar when compared to 52 % for the defence sector. The authorities should pay more attending because this sector is the major sector for development the state. Government should supply the high wage to instructors, and construct more school all around the state, and national budget allotment for instruction should be increased promote and ease the instruction to minority kids and supply particular school for handicapped kids and promote instruction for misss, raise consciousness of parents about the advantage of instruction. Finally, the educational system in Cambodia has faced many jobs that have to work out instantly. Those jobs can be affected on development for state every bit good. Because of that, the authorities needs to join forces or collaborate with international organisations. United Nations Organization is an international organisation that purpose are easing coaction in international jurisprudence, international peace and security, human right, economic sciences development, societal advancement and accomplishing universe peace. United Nations has many specialized bureaus to runing the jobs of member provinces. Those including UNDP, UNICEF, WHO, FAO and UNESCOaˆÂ ¦.and so on. However, we merely concentrate on three specialised bureaus because these bureaus are really of import for development in developing states. First, UNDP is the UN planetary development web. It promotes for alteration and connects states to knowledge, experience and resources to assist people to construct a better life. The specialised bureau has states offices in 166 states, where it works with local authorities to run into development challenges and develop local capacity. UNDP decision maker is the 3rd highest ranking functionary of United Nations after the United Nations Secretary-general and Deputy Secretary-general, and its headquartered is in New York. UNDP is funded by voluntary part from member provinces. UNDP helps the states to accomplish the Millennium Development Goals ( MDGs ) . MDG is adopted by United Nations General Assembly to develop the hapless states in 2002. These precedence MDGs states are concentrated is Sub- African, Central America and Andes, Central Asia, and the portion of Southeast Asia. Millennium Development Goals is related to poorness, primary instruction, gender equity, maternal wellness, kid mortality, HIV/AIDs, malaria and other diseases, environmental sustainability and planetary partnerships for development. Second, UNICEF was created by United Nations General assembly on December 11, 1946 to supply exigency nutrient and health care to kids in states that had been destroyed by World War II. UNICEF provides long-run human-centered and development aid to kids and female parents in developing states. UNICEF support kid wellness and nutrition, quality basic instruction for all male childs and misss, entree to clean H2O and sanitation and the protection of kids from force, development and AIDs. You read "The Subject Of Education In Cambodia Education Essay" in category "Essay examples" In 1953, UNICEF became United Nations System and its name had shortened from United Nations International Children ‘s Emergency Fund and its headquartered is in New York City. UNICEF fund is provided by voluntary part of authorities, concerns, foundations and persons. Third, UNESCO is a specialised bureau of the United Nations which established on 16 November 1945. Headquarter of organisation is in Paris, with over 50 field offices and many specialized institutes and based in throughout the universe. Its aims is to lend to peace and security by advancing international cooperation through instruction, civilization, and scientific discipline in order to foster cosmopolitan regard for justness, the regulation of jurisprudence, and the human rights along with cardinal freedoms declared in the Charter of UN. UNESCO pursues its aims through five major plans: instruction, natural HYPERLINK â€Å" hypertext transfer protocol: // †scientific disciplines, societal scientific disciplines, civilization, and communicating and information. Undertakings sponsored by UNESCO include literacy, proficient aid, and teacher-training plans, scientific discipline plans, the publicity of independent media and imperativeness free dom, regional and cultural history undertakings, the publicity of cultural diverseness ; international cooperation understandings to salvage the universe cultural and natural heritage ( World Heritage Sites ) and to protect human rights, and efforts to bridge the world-wide digital divide. UNESCO in Cambodia has worked through with the local authorization and NGOs. UNESCO focused on its activities through five major dockets such as instruction, civilization, natural scientific disciplines, societal and human scientific disciplines, and information and communicating. First, in instruction, UNESCO has developed the policy and schemes for ECCE ( Early Childhood Care and Education ) , presenting planetary degree policy tendency and advanced patterns, and lending to outline the policy on ECCE by supplying consultative services. Furthermore, UNESCO has improved on instructor instruction by supplying policy model and policy picks for developing teacher professional criterions and appropriate measuring, planing inducements to actuate the instructors for better instruction and pupil acquisition, deploying qualified instructors to rural and distant countries. Then, UNSECO has focused on proficient vocational instruction and preparation, HIV/AIDs bar instruction, and instruction and planning direction. As the chairs of educational sector working group, UNESCO has played an of import function in easing good coordinated and professional response from the giver community to the demands of the instruction development and the petition from authorities. The chief spouse in instruction of UNESCO is Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport ( MoEYS ) . UNESCO assists MoEYS for the preparation and constitution of national instruction model and policy to outreach broader populations. A figure of instruction policy are formulated with proficient support from UNESCO and other development spouses including: National Non- Formal Education Policy, the National Plan of Action for Non- Formal Education, the policy on School Health and policy on Education for Children with Disabilities, and National ICT ( Information and Communication for Technology ) policy and scheme. Millennium Development Goals ( MDGs ) are the international development end which focal point on eight jobs such as eradicate utmost poorness and hungriness, achieve cosmopolitan instruction, advance gender equality and empower adult females, cut down kid mortality, better maternal wellness, combat HIV/AIDs and other diseases, guarantee environmental sustainability, and develop a planetary partnership for development. However, in Cambodia, because of acknowledging the major restraint to development is the continued taint of mines and explosive leftovers of war, the Royal Government of Cambodia added the de-mining and victims aid as the 9th major development end. Then, on the subject of the 2nd end of CMDGs, it is reference about Achieve Universal Nine-year basic Education that took root of the Education for all by guarantee that all kids will finish primary schooling by 2010 and Nine-year basic schooling by 2015. UNICEF in Cambodia has provided de-worming tablet to 95 per centum of kids in primary school. Furthermore, UNICEF has supported the fiscal aid for the wage of community preschool instructor in order to better the preschool to all kids. Harmonizing authorities ‘s statistics, the pre-primary school registration rate of Cambodian ‘s five twelvemonth old in school twelvemonth 2006-2007 was 27.7 % including province, community, home-based, and preschool categories. Then, Kampuchean authorities and UNICEF functionary maintain that early childhood development plan have proved over and over that preschool encourages on clip registration in primary school and better academic public presentation. In amount up, those organisations are of import for bettering or advancing the all sector in Cambodia, particularly in educational sector which is of import sector for development. However, the authorities should lend to advancing every bit good, so our state will accomplish all ends early. Since you focused on the functions and models of MDGs, UNICEF, UNESCO, you have known that those models are suited for bettering the instruction in Cambodia. However, do these bureaus and authorities can assure that they will better or advance instruction good as they expect? Harmonizing to the statistic from studies, the primary school undertakings have been complete successfully. In 2000, there are about 85 % to 86 % of kids from urban country can go to school, and for the kids in rural country, there are about 82 % to 83 % go to school, but the kids populating in the distant country can go to school merely 60 % to 63 % . From one twelvemonth to twelvemonth, the Numberss of go toing school from those three countries are increasing bit by bit. In fact, in 2009, in distant country the kids attend school about 90.3 % . Surprisingly, the urban kids which had the figure higher than others do non increasing dramatically as the rural country in 2000. Rural country ‘s kids go to school much more than the urban country ‘s kids, is 95 % and 92.2 % . Nevertheless, undertakings to advancing the secondary school is seem failed because the mark of undertaking predicted that about 65.3 % in 2009 for the kids go toing secondary school, but in world, there a re merely 31.9 for pupils go toing school. By the manner, gender disparities in primary school have been eliminated and regional disparities have besides been eradicated. Then, the proportion of 6-14 old ages old out of school is stagnating. Based on the information from CMDGs, the flow of the line of graph is smooth from 1997 until 2003, but in 2004 the figures of the information is increasing from 18.7 % to 19.81 % . However, the expected mark is merely 14.4 % in 2008 for the out of school pupils, so it seems non travel beyond as outlook. Literacy rates of 15 to 24 old ages old ; hence, in 1998 there is about 82 % of literacy. CMDGs expected that in 2009, there would be about 92.1 % for literacy, but in existent, there is about 87.47 % for literacy because the line of the graph was increasing easy. In amount up, instruction in Cambodia become better than earlier. Even so, those bureaus need to better or advance more because as you known, the instruction is the of import sector for develop state. Then, in instance instruction in Cambodia does non good, how could Cambodia better or develop state good? After you have understood about the functions and models, consequence of the bureaus, you can state that though they could non accomplish all ends as scene, but they could better or advance the instruction in Cambodia. As you can see, educational system in Cambodia has suffered excessively much during Khmer Rouge Regime from 1975 to 1979. After that period, the authorities has tried to better it by cooperated and collaborated with external assistance and non-governmental organisation ( NGOs ) . About a half a million Kampuchean kids from 6 to 11 old ages old have no entree to school, so 50 % of those who entered rate one dropped out of school and had to reiterate the category. Those jobs are caused by picture games, karaoke and the presence of whorehouse for the pupils in metropolis, and for female students, they could non go to school because of many jobs. Due to these jobs, the Kampuchean authorities attempts to pay attending on instruction systems because every bit mentioned before, instruction is really of import agencies to develop and construct up human resources for development of each state and it is besides of import for development of kid as individual. If Kampuchean people hapless at the cognition, how could Cambodia has been developed to go the strong state as the adjacent states. Furthermore, the IOs ( International organisations ) besides pay attending on instruction sector as good. They try to promote and join forces with Kampuchean authorities to bettering the instruction systems. As mentioned, Harmonizing to the Kampuchean fundamental law, it states that â€Å" the province shall supply free primary and secondary instruction to all citizens in public school. Citizens shall have instruction for at least nine old ages †. Then, IOs have besides contributed to betterment every bit good. First, UNESCO has improved on instructor instruction by supplying policy model and policy picks for developing teacher professional criterions and appropriate measuring, planing inducements to actuate the instructors for better instruction and pupil acquisition, deploying qualified instructors to rural and distant countries. Furthermore, UNESCO has played an of import function in easing good coordinated and professional response from the giver community to the demands of the instruction development and the petition from authorities. Second, CDMGs is reference about Achieve Universal Nine-year basic Education that took root of the Education for all by ensures that all kids will finish primary schooling by 2010 and Nine-year basic schooling by 2015. Third, UNICEF has supported the fiscal aid for the wage of community preschool instructor in order to better the preschool to all kids. Harmonizing authorities ‘s statistics, the pre-primary school registration rate of Cambodian †˜s five twelvemonth old in school twelvemonth 2006-2007 was 27.7 % including province, community, home-based, and preschool categories. Then, Kampuchean authorities and UNICEF functionary preserve that early childhood development plan have proved over and over that preschool encourages on clip registration in primary school and better academic public presentation. In decision, some jobs the province could non cover with by herself, so she needs the aid from NGOs, IGOs, and so on. However, in instance the provinces do non pay attending with those jobs, the solution still can non run into. As Cambodia, because the authorities and specialised bureaus try to collaborate each other, the instruction system seem better a small by a small. In my sentiment, in future, Cambodia will diminish the rate of illiteracy from clip to clip. How to cite The Subject Of Education In Cambodia Education Essay, Essay examples
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Networking Technology for Privacy and Freedom- MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theNetworking Technologyfor Privacy and Freedom. Answer: Introduction Ethics is a discipline that governs how people conduct themselves in their occupation fields. Hence ethics for a network technology student is a set of moral principles that governs the use of network technology by the student.With the rise of technology use in classrooms, student should be conscious of ethical issues that come forth with the use of technology. Important Ethical Issues The most important and widely felt ethical issues include academic honesty by the students especially during educational research. Another one is the use of different networking communication channels when using schools computers systems which are shared by so many students and other school staffs. Cyber bullying is also a very dangerous technology issue that can ruin a life of a networking student. Student confidentiality is another important ethical issue that every student should consider. These ethical issues that every student should consider are discussed below. Analysis and Evaluation of Ethical Issues The following discuss some of the important ethical issues a networking technology student should be aware of. Plagiarism With the advanced used of technology in classrooms, access to online research materials has been made easier. This in turn has increased the high rates of plagiarism. This on other hand has been affected integrity of academic work institutions. Plagiarism is an unethical behavior that has risen due to use of networking technology in learning institutions. This has made it easier for students to fabricate research and fake information sources in their academic lives (Mattison, 2017). They just query the such engines and whatever result they get they hit copy and paste button without considering the authors contribution to that work they are copying. But for an ethical student, one will read other peoples work online, gather enough knowledge and form their own reports based on the research materials accessed online by acknowledging the authors Personal Security Every ethical student should conduct proper communication especially when using school computers or network. This will ensure students safety and privacy. Students should ensure that their emails and text messages are not exposed by using public communication devices within their institutions. They should ensure that they conduct their communication properly with other students or teachers. If not carefully monitored the use of network technology might expose the students communications to the public. An ethical student would put a boundary on how to communicate with other people within the institutions via the networking technology. Cyber Bullying This is the use of the internet to harm others by threatening and/or humiliating them. It can occur directly or by proxy, i.e using somebody else to harm others (Headlee, 2012). Students should not use networking technology to harm others (Mattison, Ethical Issues with Using Technology in Classroom, January 2017). Students should conduct themselves with proper netiquette and look around the networking sites before saying things that could harm others. Bullying has typically been found between students in the classroom, outside of the classrooms, and in many forms of social media forums. A technology student should use networking technology to promote sanity and not to expose other peoples details online by tarnishing their names or their reputations. Access Rights Ethical networking technology students should respect the site access policies outlined by a given institution. Accessing unauthorized sites via the internet might expose the institution to malicious attacks associated with some sites. Also unauthorized access of public sites violates the rules of an institution and is termed as unethical computer networking use. Technology can a highly affect the well-being of the students. Therefore, when using networking technologies, students should ensure that they remain within the authorized sites by the institution meant for study and research. For instance, (L, 2003) mentions an incident where computer students used the school computers to access X-rated materials and ended up broadcasting it to the entire school through the school network. This results to unethical behavior that students should not possess. Confidentiality / Privacy Networking Technology enables data exchange of information on a large scale from anybody, on any locations or parts of the world, at any times. In this situation, there is increased potential for disclosing information and violating the privacy of any individuals and groups of people due to its widespread sharing via network. It is therefore the networking technology students responsibility to maintain the privacy and integrity of data regarding others. This also includes taking precautions to ensure the accuracy of data, as well as protecting it from unauthorized access or accidental disclosure to inappropriate individuals. Student confidentiality is very important but it can be ruined easily using network technology. Students should use networking technology with caution when utilizing online forums, social media and other online applications. For example, the US education department found out that schools are collecting more information concerning students online. This is as a res ult of students sharing almost every part of their lives online by posting on social media platforms. This makes them more vulnerable to cyber bully as well as exposing their lives which ought to be private to the whole world. An ethical student should ensure that every information they share over the internet is safe and does not compromise their confidentiality. An ethical student should be well informed that the internet never forgets and every action they take when using the network technology leaves a trail of information that could be recorded and stored for future use. Students should not share their information with insecure sites. They should be able to find out who is in control of the information they share and what is to be done with it before sharing it on the online platforms (A, 1967). Justification of Ethical Issues Plagiarism According to (Lessig, 1999) a legal theorist, he said that due to the rise of networking technology in schools and world at large, people have more access to information stored online without the necessity of seeking authorization from the owners of the information and therefore a greater increase in plagiarism and fake ownership of others peoples contents. This therefore has highly questioned the credibility of students academic work as opposed to when networking technology was not so rapid in learning institutions. Confidentiality/Privacy (BRITZ, 1996) argued that, although networking technology has affected the lives of many positively in disseminating of information fast than before, it has also made it easier for people to access other peoples private information. Thus the student should be aware that the use of networking technology cannot be ethically neutral. Access Authorizations/Rights (Lou Berzai, 2012) explains the effects of unauthorized access by the students using the networking technology. He states that students should not use networking technology to access sites or prohibited information as this is unethical and it exposes the institutions information to malicious attacks. Thus in order to uphold ethic in using technology, students should adhere to the set access policy. To curb all these ethical issues related to network technology, (Rinaldi, 1999) stated that students should not use the computer network to harm others, neither interfere with other peoples work. Also acknowledging other peoples intellectual work among others. Conclusion In conclusion it is appropriate to say that there are many ethical concerns in the use of networking technology that every user should understand. Networking Technology in institutions can either promote integrity of the society or compromise it. Students therefore should share knowledge amongst themselves and consult more online educative sites that will help them in research activities as well as build ethical internet users. With such students in existence the unethical issues related to the use of technology will be highly reduced and be manageable hence raising the standards and bring out the positive side of the network technology to learning institutions (Warschaver, 2003). Students need to exercise proper online etiquette and behavior when interacting online with teachers or other students. References A, W. (1967). Privacy and freedom. New York. BRITZ, J. J. (1996). Ethical Challenges to the Information Profession. TECHNOLOGY AS A THREAT TO PRIVACY. Headlee, K. S. (2012). CYBERBULLYING . What is cyber bullying, exactly? L, S. (2003). Tools for teaching cyber ethics. Education World. Lessig, L. (1999). Code and Other Values of Cyberspace. New York: Basic Books. Lou Berzai. (2012). Ethical Problems in Computing. Mattison, L. (2017). Ethical Issues with Using Technology in the Classroom. technology in the classroom, 1. Mattison, L. (January 2017). Ethical Issues with Using Technology in Classroom. Technology in the classroom, 1-4. Rinaldi, A. (1999). 10 Comandments for Computer Network Users. Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics. Shea, V. (August 2010). Danger Online! Educating Kids and Parents About Internet Safety. Education World, 1-4. Warschaver, M. (2003). Technology and social inclusion. Rethinking the digital divide. Cambridge : MIT Press.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
5 Tips to Compose an Effective Deductive Essay
5 Tips to Compose an Effective Deductive Essay 5 Tips to Compose an Effective Deductive Essay Many students get terrified when learning that they are to perform a deductive essay. Different thoughts come across their minds. They get anxious about such complex terms as deductive reasoning, deductive thinking, and similar definitions. In fact, there is nothing complicated about deductive reasoning process. The main point is to write enough data on the studied topic to clarify your main idea. While writing a deductive essay, you should base your strategy on a specific concept. You are expected to introduce a set of topic-related clues, premises and/or circumstances. These guidelines should develop a situation and come up with a clear and logical assumption. In other words, your major objective is to provide a solution giving specified information in enough amounts. A writer is supposed to make a thorough research of the assigned or chosen topic. Weighing all advantages and disadvantages, it’s needed to draw a reasonable conclusion. Accordingly, the data you’re going to use in this specific piece of writing is utterly important. It must be relevant and convincing. Setting Tone First, you should take into account the tone of your writing. It must be factual and objective. This is a compulsory obligation. Introduce facts and try to be objective. Be honest in your judgments and avoid the subjective point of view. Choosing Your Topic The selection of a topic is of great importance. You ought to be careful. First of all, you should avoid topics that can evoke an overly emotional response. Writing on such themes, you will hardly manage to remain objective. Secondly, your topic is supposed to be relevant and interesting to your readers. Therefore, pick up a non-emotional and significant topic. For instance, you may choose: Online Education. Pros and cons. Democracy vs. Communism. Cultural differences and similarities in your country. Writing Premise The initial part of this essay type is the premise. This technique is very effective because it makes your topic more attractive. An author uses it to craft the conclusion. You may use several premises. Giving some hints on what will be discussed in your research, will ignite the interest in potential readers. Mind that your introduction should clearly explain your main purpose and the problem you are going to disclose. Provide the background of the issue. Study your main question and background carefully. This essay type is based on the facts. Introducing the Evidence The evidence is undeniably vital for such academic paper as a deductive essay. After you write the thesis statement, you should develop your main argument supporting it with examples and proven facts. Supporting paragraphs contain detailed explanations of your main purpose. Each paragraph should have a sub-topic to guide the readers throughout the entire work. The evidence given in all paragraphs must be relevant and official. Therefore, verify all the data you use to state your claims. Don’t forget that you cannot be subjective. You ought to exclude any personal experiences of your own or others. Concluding The conclusion is the defining chapter of your research. It draws the logical line for the premise, evidence, and the final words. It should be brief and straight to the point. It gives readers the balance. You are to restate your opinion. Mind that it should not be obligatorily the dead point. Your conclusion may look forward the future and express the idea for further researches that you wish to undertake. Neither should it be obligatorily positive. It’s not compulsory to write in a positive tone. The objective judgments may reveal negative outcomes of the researched issue. Some Important Details You should never forget definite features of deductive essays; no matter what topic is assigned. First, you have no right to lessen focus. Your research should have a sharp focus on what you explain. If you fail this demand, your readers will lose your point, and your work will be written in vain. Secondly, it is supposed to be clear. Clarity means a lot. Otherwise, your readers won’t understand what you mean. You’ll need plainly structured paragraphs with the organized thoughts. Every section should be logically connected with the previous one. Provide strong support and an effective conclusion. If you need professional assistance from academic experts, visit our service and order a custom deductive essay online, on any topic you need.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
THE DEATH PENALTY IS ALWAYS WRONG essays The real question is whether killing people is fundamentally wrong, or whether it is only wrong in a given set of circumstances. Most would agree that intentionally killing someone in cold blood for personal satisfaction is wrong. We might agree that killing 10 people in order to save 5 people is also wrong. We may differ on whether killing 1 innocent person to save 1000 others is wrong. Intentionally killing other people is always wrong no matter what. If there is a grey area between morally wrong killing and morally right killing, then where do we draw the line? More importantly, who has the right to draws that line? A total of 904 executions have been carried out in the United States since 1976, when the death penalty was reinstated after the Supreme Court banned it four years before (pg 1). This is a staggering figure and does not show that things are going to slow down. The use as a deterrent is not working. The point of capital punishment is to kill the people who kill people to show other people that killing people is wrong. But if killing people is wrong, then why is it considered that the State is right to kill people? Capital punishment therefore sends a clear message that killing people is perfectly acceptable and is actively endorsed by the State. A study following 25 condemned men ended after 12 of them had been executed, and the other 13 had been exonerated of their crimes after new evidence was produced. Pg 47. We really do not know how many people are on death row for false charges or for the police trying to seek their own justice. Once you execute a prisoner it is forever, you will not be able to bring them back. Even if new evidence is found the damage has already been done. Contrary to public opinion, it is actually a more expensive process than life imprisonment. With all the appeals, proceedings and hearings that occur for people on deat ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Produce a Research proposal entitled does performance management Essay
Produce a Research proposal entitled does performance management motivate staff - Essay Example interest to this study is the comparison of the employees who are incited to complete their tasks in specified time spans with those who will undertake the same tasks in a desultory or in a less motivated way. Interest is also directed at understanding the various motivational strategies the company uses as well as the strategic performance management practices carried out. This proposal will clearly highlight the research methods to be used by the researcher, data analysis criteria to be used as well as the historical background of performance management and the impact on the employees’ motivation. It will also clearly identify the performance management practices that really motivate the employees and those which demoralize the employees. This research will be explorative and will seek to show both the positives and negatives of performance management. The researcher will approach the topic with open mind in order to deduct the best results that are unbiased. Performance management is one of the key goals of the human resource, management department. Performance management in the human resource department includes activities to ensure that the organizational goals are efficiently and effectively met. Performance management focuses on the output and performance of an organization, and processes to build a product or service, employees and departments among others. Performance management has been known to either motivate or demoralize the employees (Armstrong, 2000). Various performance management practices have positive impacts on the company employees while others negatively affect the employees’ performance. Sometimes the human resource management department personnel is not aware of the impact any performance management practice can have on the employees work morale of which it may be detrimental to the company or the organization. A performance management practice that was successful to another company may not work in the current one while that which
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Critically evaluate the role of CO2 as a greenhouse gas in Essay
Critically evaluate the role of CO2 as a greenhouse gas in contributing to global warming - Essay Example Carbon dioxide has internal vibrational modes since it has more than two atoms per molecule thus can absorb and radiate heat thus leading to the greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide also can stay in the atmosphere for many years unlike water vapor thus acts as a controlling factor of the earth’s surface temperatures (Houghton 2004). Carbon dioxide and global warming Natural gases including oil and coal in automobile engines will raise the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (Pepper, Gerba and Brusseau 2006). Farming practices such use of nitrous oxide and deforestation also contributes to emission of carbon dioxide (Maslin 2002). Generally, the sun releases sunlight and heat to the earth’s surface but only 70 percent of the sunlight manages to reach the earth’s surface (Oxlade 2003). The sunlight is reflected back to the atmosphere through infrared radiation but the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere reflects back the heat to the earth’s surface thus lea ding to global warming (Farrar 2008). Some of the longer wavelengths will be absorbed by the greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide thus warming up the atmosphere (Oxlade 2003). The carbon dioxide will act like a mirror by reflecting back to the earth heat energy thus would otherwise be lost in the atmosphere thus leading to global warming. ... The absorption of heat depends on the spectral location (wavelength), the strength and also the shape of each particular line. Suppose the absorption line is an inverted bell-shaped line, the amplitude of the curve or the depth will be determined by the strength of the absorption line and amount of carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere (Oxlade 2003). Negative effects of global warming One of the negative impacts of global warming is melting of the polar ice caps that will lead to rise in sea levels. According to Snow data, the absolute melting of all glaciers would raise the sea levels by 230 feet (Farrar 2008). The desalination of the seas will distort the currents that control the sea temperature. The glaciers are white in colour and usually reflect some sunlight thus cooling the earth’s surface. The melting of the ices will also endanger the habitants of some special species thus leading to their extinction (Colls 2004). The increase in global warming will contribute to intense droughts and heat waves especially in dry areas such as Africa (Farrar 2008). Global warming will also lead to warmer seas thus leading to disasters like strong hurricanes that can lead to lose of lives and property especially in coastline areas (Wang, Pereira and Hung 2004). Increase in the warming will lead to migration of insects thus leading to spread of diseases by the disease carrying insects especially in Northern countries (Williams 2002). The species in arctic areas, mountains and tropical seas will migrate thus spreading diseases (Farrar 2008). The United Kingdom reduced the six greenhouse gases covered by Kyoto protocol by 549.3 million tones of carbon dioxide in 2011. Carbon dioxide alone accounted for 84 percent of the UK greenhouse emissions in 2010. The carbon
Monday, November 18, 2019
Symposium, by Plato Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Symposium, by Plato - Essay Example In fact, write-ups on this subject are among the iconic literature ever written. The concept of Eros emanates from a Greek word locus classicus and the agape love has been enjoined by the human understanding of love. This has become the source of much creative literature on this subject the world over, especially in the western countries. In fact, for the westerners have got two conceptions on this subject. An example is that they there are those who believe in the combination of Eros and agape love, whereas, the rest are staunch Christians who strongly believe in Jesus teachings (Cooksey, 144). The former school of thought though criticized on the ground that it is self-centered and weird in some manner. This notwithstanding, many people across the globe have embraced it because of the urge to explore more on this exciting topic. This subject requires much discretion in its presentations hence is has been associated with the discipline of philosophy. It is because of its nature that only poets have managed to explore it. However, in as much as love is subject to philosophical analysis, it differs from the latter. The view of Eros love has its genesis in the past traditional setting. It is easy to fathom and appreciate the credibility of the premises of this view on love from this angle of view. Indeed love is a feeling of power, authority and security. In addition, Eros love is a controversy because when a person possesses love, there is no contemplation of hate yet there can not be hate if love never existed (Cooksey, 144).. There can be no good thing without the involvement of love. In erotic view, reason directs the desires of the body In that without reason man becomes irrational. In this case, the soul is not involved in directing the actions of the body though self constitutes of the body, soul and mind. However in the Christian view has it that the body should be controlled by the mind and soul too. Inn addition love is something that gives people satis faction. For instance person would ordinarily love another and feel shameful and uneasy about it. Moreover, people prefer the whole world to know about their sense of love. Indeed this is the cause as to why several men and women indulge in weddings .this brings to them the reassurance of love from their partners otherwise their love shall remain not rekindled. Love has for a long time transformed people for the better. It is true that it is love alone which makes people abandon vices and embrace virtues and moral values of the society. For instance, a wife or husband are restrained from committing promiscuity by love between themselves.However, it is ironical that it is the same love that reconciles husband and wife again, In case either of the two partners falls victim of adultery. 2 Love compels a person to make sacrifices which even blood relative will at no time make. It builds the character of a person. For instance when a person is in a relationship, there is a dramatic chang e of manners and lifestyle. It is love which makes the other partner to have restraint in order to avoid hurting the other person by his or her unpleasant lifestyle or character. It is quite interesting that even justice springs forth from love (Cooksey, 144). This is absolute truth because it is lack of love that culminates in the commission of rime and other evils. For instance if a person has love, it will be difficult for the person to give or accept a bribe as
Friday, November 15, 2019
McDonalds business ethics
McDonalds business ethics Introduction This report will aid McDonalds in identifying its core CSR strategies that will propel its business goals into the future. The report also identifies the business ethics that McDonalds has practiced over time and the impact of these business ethics to its strategic partners and customers. This report is thus an indicator of how well McDonalds is delivering its CSR and business ethics. McDonalds being the worlds largest hamburger chain fast food restaurant owes the environment a lot in terms of its Corporate Social Responsibility. The environment in this case implies its customers, business partners as well as the public at large. The firm has played a large role in the past towards conserving the environment. In addition, McDonalds continues to develop a sustainable supply chain for the benefit of its suppliers and distributors thus ensuring that there is continuous flow of business. McDonalds CSR revolves around sustainability. This is because the firm identifies that through sustainability, it will be able to get constant products that it uses to make the hamburgers as well as other fast food products. Sustainability also helps McDonalds in the sense that it will be able to sustain its distribution networks, thus benefiting a whole chain of distributors and suppliers. Aim and Purpose This report on the CSR and business ethics for McDonalds will aid the management and executives in the board of McDonalds to better deliver their CSR to their strategic business partners and the public in general. The report also illuminates areas that perhaps McDonalds should consider incorporating into its CSR plan for the next operating year. This report shall assume certain factors. Firstly, that McDonalds CSR is uniform throughout all the countries that it operates fast food restaurants in. secondly, the report shall also assume that the CSR and business ethics that McDonalds has implemented and will implement have gained general acceptance amongst its business partners, customers and the public in general. The limitations to this study include the fact that some of the CSR strategies that McDonalds has implemented are hard to measure. Most of the business ethics can only be explained but cannot be measured in definite terms. In fact, McDonalds cannot establish the extent of success that it has achieved in the past in regard to the CSR strategies. Situation Analysis In each and every country, McDonalds has thrives to develop a menu that fits the tastes and culture of the people in those countries. This has made McDonalds unique in its delivery of fine and quality fast food products. Its CSR strategies have helped it to identify the needs of the people within these destinations and develop fast food solutions that best fits their needs. McDonalds is thus mindful of its customers diverse needs. In addition, McDonalds strives to promote healthy diets that benefit its customer. Research reveals that fast food products are not good for the health, especially for the heart as well as the liver. However, McDonalds disputes this by developing and making fast food products that are free from cholesterol, fat that causes cardiac diseases. The firm has also won several awards in environment conservation and employment sensitivity. McDonalds has no gender inequality whilst employing its staff from the regions where it has expanded. The company hopes to have trained and retrained all its employees in their respective fields by the end of 2012 (May, Cheney and Roper, p.32). According to an employee at the fast food restaurant in Europe, McDonalds is perhaps the best employer and always listens to the needs and demands of the staff; the employment environment is one to die for. Factors and Discussion This section will identify the various CSR strategies that McDonalds has implemented in the past, present and the future of these strategies. The factors are identifies in the ensuing paragraphs. Values McDonalds core values are all aimed at promoting the Corporate Social Responsibility of the firm. This is achieved through giving value to the customers, the supply chain as well as the other business partners with whom McDonalds does business. McDonalds indeed acknowledges the fact that its customers are the reason behind its success and existence. Therefore, the customers are very much valued within the company. The company thus strives to create a warm and welcoming environment for its customers. Secondly, McDonalds values its employees and states that it is committed towards the career growth and development of its employees through a comprehensive training plan. This is perhaps the greatest CSR that McDonalds has. McDonalds believes in empowering and valuing the employees for increased commitment from them and their continued success. McDonalds also maintains high business ethics and thus conducts its business with high ethical standards (Fisher and Lovell, p.33). The company conducts its business with high integrity, honesty and fairness for all its customers and suppliers. McDonalds also values the community in which it operates and strives to give back to the society through sponsoring various community initiatives such as education. McDonalds believes in making the world a better place (Johnson and Turner, p.112). McDonalds being a public company values doing profitable business with all its stakeholders. The company therefore lays much emphasis on profitable business while enforcing its business ethics across all its subsidiaries. This is achieved through maintaining high ethical standards. McDonalds always strives to excel in whatever field it undertakes to operate in. constant improvement is achieved within the company through continued training and innovation. Thus, McDonalds has grown to become the worlds largest fast food chain of restaurants through its commitment towards achieving its CSR as well as maintaining good business ethics. According to Richardson (p.16), McDonalds has achieved much success through its good will initiatives worldwide, hence many customers identify with the positive side of the company. Sustainable supply chain McDonalds suppliers are required to adhere to the strict Code of Conduct which enhances the supply chain ensuring that the fast food giant gets the best quality products as raw material for preparing the fast food restaurants. The firm values its supply chain in such a manner that there is no way a poor quality product can access the firms production unit. In addition, there are checks and balances to ensure that only the best raw materials are used to prepare fast food products. These checks and balances often involve empowering the suppliers to supply quality products through training programs. In 2007, McDonalds established a strong supply chain department which ensures that the quality standards for its suppliers are continuously met by the suppliers (Hanekamp, p.14). The complexity of the supply chain requires that McDonalds maintains an effective communication amongst its suppliers in order to solve and avert problems at an early stage. McDonalds always purchases its products from suppliers who only comply with the established code of conduct thus ensuring continued quality standards adherence (Gitman and McDaniel, p.34). Furthermore, McDonalds always strives to promote a supply chain that is positively supporting the environment. Thus, the supply chain of the fast food giant usually has no adverse effect on the environment. McDonalds therefore supports an environment-friendly supply chain. The supply chain also aims at promoting a positive economic impact on the suppliers and the immediate beneficiaries. According to Crowther and Rayman-Bacchus (p.42), an effective supply chain is one where suppliers receive timely information that will enable them be able to succeed in supplying the best products for the fast food giant. Andersen (p.24) suggests that McDonalds requires improving efficiency of its supply chain and reducing the bottleneck so that the Small and Medium Enterprises within countries where McDonalds operates may be able to benefit from the existence of McDonalds. Nutrition and wellbeing McDonalds is always committed to the wellbeing of its customers through producing fast food products that have no adverse health effects on the customers. The company follows the strict advice of its nutrition experts. There have been concerns about obesity that McDonalds has taken seriously and strived to avoid producing fast food products that may lead to obesity among its customers. Moreover, McDonalds also promoted doing exercises as part of the health promotion program that it started in 1998 (Ferrel, Ferrell and Fraedrich, p.18). Exercising is an imperative activity that McDonalds acknowledges could reduce the health effects of fast foods. Nutrition experts also advice that eating fast food products is not harmful to ones health for as long as they do enough exercises. McDonalds encourages customer to make quality choices regarding its fast food products that will benefit their health. The firm discourages eating for the sake of it and insists on supporting healthy living (Rendtorff, p.142). McDonalds continues to develop high quality and a well balanced diet that serves the needs of its customers comprehensively. The firm has also developed a wide range of choices to enable its customers to choose from, thus increase customer satisfaction. The firm through its nutritionist has developed consumer-friendly nutrition information that enable the customers to gain useful knowledge regarding the fast food products that the firm sells across all its restaurants. This helps the consumers to make an independent choice regarding which fast food product to purchase. Today, a lot of the consumer choices are driven by the nutrition that McDonalds provides its consumers with. McDonalds has strived to improve the communication that it has with its customers, especially children thus encouraging them to make wise nutrition choices. According to Hartman and DesJardins (p.76), McDonalds established the Global Advisory Council (GAC) which works in collaboration with the international teams to source for expert advice regarding nutrition and wellbeing. Environmental responsibility According to Kotler and Lee (p.19), McDonalds has won the Energy Star Partner of the Year award which is usually awarded by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). McDonalds has been recognized for its massive efforts in reducing greenhouse emissions. The firm is sensitive to the environment and concerned more about the global warming. This has promoted the firm to save on energy and thus avert carbon emissions. McDonalds takes its social responsibility concerning the environment seriously. The firm established its very own Global Environment Commitment (Houk and Williams, p.134). The company has continued to focus on improving its commitment towards the environment. As far as McDonalds CSR regarding the environment is concerned, the fast food giant has in the past and present focused on three main areas namely; energy efficiency, sustainable packaging and waste management as well as green restaurant design. McDonalds has sort to use more energy efficient strategies such as the use of natural gas in the fast food restaurants. McDonalds continues to seek ways of increasing energy efficiency. Furthermore, the fast food giant also seeks to reduce the impact of its operations on the environmental impact. In addition, McDonalds continues to explore ways in which it can package the consumers product in packages that are easy to recycle and reuse. Malachowski (p.27) reveals that the company banned the use of plastics in packaging the fast food products. The firm continues to use paper-based packages though it is in a bid to look for an environmental friendly package. The firm has been criticized for using paper-based packages in the wake of the global warming panic. Paper comes from trees and thus by using the paper-based packages, McDonalds may have been going against the environmental preservation requirements. Trevino and Nelson (p.47) reveal that McDonalds has an environmental department which attends the green house conferences in Geneva annually. These officials are in charge of ensuring that McDonalds continues to comply with the environmental laws of various countries where it is established. Most of the restaurants belonging to McDonalds have adopted the green restaurant design which helps in saving energy. This has given McDonalds the opportunity to participate in the reduction of carbon emission through investing in energy efficient buildings. Most of the restaurants belonging to McDonalds have an open space which allows plenty of light to enter into the building thus saving the use of electricity during the day. McDonalds CSR supports the conservation of the environment through reduction of carbon emission as well as the green restaurant designs. Employment experience McDonalds has a policy within all its subsidiaries and fast food restaurants worldwide of giving its employees a priority over all other things. The firm indeed identifies that employees are core in the companys success. McDonalds has in the past devised training programs aimed at employee development. Moreover, the firm empowers its employees to take up new challenges in the fast food market. Furthermore, McDonalds supports human rights which forms part of it global business conduct. Respect to life and the preservation of human dignity has enabled the company to excel in its core relationship with its employees as well as customers and business partners. This has enabled McDonalds to grow through its appreciation of human life and dignity, an area where many other companies have failed. Employees rights are a priority at McDonalds. McDonalds has developed a strategy that allows the employees relative freedom in working with the firm. There are three aspects of the employee priority virtues that McDonalds has identifies namely respect, commitment growth and talent enhancement (Hoffman, p.114). McDonalds has created a culture where every employee is respected and valued globally. In addition, McDonalds is committed towards realizing quality employees through comprehensive training programs and staff development strategies. McDonalds identifies young talented graduates and employees then as graduate trainees thus ensuring that it acquires the right caliber of future employees. These young graduates are drawn from various hospitality colleges and universities across the globe. According to Mullerat and Brennan (p.22), McDonalds always strives to deliver quality employee training to its employees. Moreover, its employment policy is not biased against one kind of gender. There is an open approach towards those employed at McDonalds. Every employee is thus a priority at McDonalds since the firm realized that its workforce holds the key to its valued success. This CSR involving valuing and respecting employees has enabled McDonalds to improve its service provision to its clientele. Community responsibility For ages, McDonalds has been supporting the Olympic Games through feeding program aimed at feeding the athletics. McDonalds is also involved in various charities and also supports education in the developing countries where it has its franchises and fast food restaurants. As part of its bid to return back to the society, McDonalds has sponsored several children programs involving eradication of illiteracy and poverty. McDonalds also sponsors a number of events worldwide including the Olympic Games and walks. Over the past calamities, McDonalds has been involved in disaster response where it has supported the victims of such disasters. Just recently during the Haiti disaster, McDonalds moved in to donate a handsome amount towards the rebuilding of the destroyed country. According to Morris, Willey and Sachdev (p.54), McDonalds has also supported various community based programs such as sponsoring the education of poor children in India and Asia. Conclusion McDonalds has been able to achieve high success through its identification of the elements that make it succeed most. These elements include its employees, customers and the suppliers. McDonalds values its employees and has various training programs to support their bid towards an excellent service provision. The company draws its success mostly from its employees. McDonalds also hires quality and highly valuable employees thus ensuring continued success for the company. McDonalds also draws its success from its highly valued customers. The company provides the customers with nutrition information thus ensuring that the customer makes informed decision. Moreover, the firm develops well balanced diets that meet the dynamic requirements of each fast food market. Indeed, customers have enabled the firm to develop strongly with most customers referring others to the fast food giant. The customers also benefit from the advice of the international nutritionists as well as the nutrition experts that are dissipated to McDonalds on a regular basis (Daft and Marcic, p.11). McDonalds support for the environment has ensured that its CSR continues to grow. The firm has many ways of giving back to the community. McDonalds supports various sponsorship programs, the most profound being that which supports the education of children (Carter and Clegg, p.48). McDonalds also feeds the athletes at the Olympic Games. Poverty eradication has also been a priority for the company as it seeks to improve the standards of living. McDonalds continues to support CSR and good business conducts and ethic across its operations, now and in the future to come through enhanced quality programs. Suppliers also form part of the core business that McDonalds supports. The suppliers are organized in supply chains to ensure that they continue to abide by the quality standards. Recommendation McDonalds should make us of solar energy, which is a renewable form of energy. This will go a long way towards ensuring that there is less carbon emission. The EPA would thus be pleased with the efforts propagated by McDonalds. McDonalds should also run advertisements in the media to promote its balanced healthy diet. The advertisements should also contain nutrition advice on various ways of eating healthy fast food diets. The firm should also diversify its diets to ensure that it meets the requirements of different ages. Works Cited Andersen Bjorn. Bringing business ethics to life: achieving corporate social responsibility. California: American Society for Quality, 2004. Carter Chris and Stewart Clegg. Business ethics as practice: representation, reflexivity and performance. Amsterdam: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2007. Crowther David, and Lez Rayman-Bacchus. Perspectives on corporate social responsibility. Sydney: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2004. Daft Richard L and Dorothy Marcic. Understanding Management. 6th ed. Edinburgh: Cengage Learning, 2008. Ferrel O C, Linda Ferrell and John Fraedrich. Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases. 6th ed. Melbourne: Dreamtech Press, 2005. Fisher Colin and Alan Lovell. Business Ethics and Values: Individual, Corporate and International Perspectives. 3rd ed. New York: Prentice Hall, 2008. Gitman Lawrence J and Carl McDaniel. The Future of Business: The Essentials. 4th ed. New York: Cengage Learning, 2008. Hanekamp Gerd. Business ethics of innovation. Paris: Springer, 2007. Hartman Laura P and Joseph R. DesJardins. Business Ethics: Decision-Making for Personal Integrity and Social Responsibility. California: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2007. Hoffman W. Michael. Power and responsibility in the American business system: proceedings of the second National Conference on Business Ethics. California: University Press of America, 2008. Houk John W and Oliver F. Williams. Is the good corporation dead?: social responsibility in a global economy. London: Rowman Littlefield, 1996. Johnson Debra and Colin Turner. International business: themes and issues in the modern global economy. Washington: Routledge, 2003. Kotler Philip and Nancy Lee. Corporate social responsibility: doing the most good for your company and your cause. Washington: John Wiley and Sons, 2005. Malachowski Alan R. Business Ethics: International and environmental business ethics. Berlin: Taylor Francis, 2001. May Steve Kent, George Cheney and Juliet Roper. The debate over corporate social responsibility. Cambridge: Oxford University Press US, 2007. Morris Huw, Brian Willey, and Sanjiv Sachdev. Managing in a business context: an HR approach. New York: Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2002. Mullerat Ramon and Daniel Brennan. Corporate social responsibility: the corporate governance of the 21st century. London: Kluwer Law International, 2005. Rendtorff. Responsibility, Ethics and Legitimacy of Corporations. Cape Town: Copenhagen Business School Press DK, 2009 Richardson John E. Annual Editions: Business Ethics 06/07. 18th ed. Edinburgh: McGraw-Hill Contemporary Learning Series, 2006. Trevino Linda Klebe and Katherine A. Nelson. Managing business ethics: straight talk about how to do it right. 4th ed. New York: Wiley, 2006.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Porphyrias Lover and My Last Duchess by Robert Browning Essay -- Rober
Compare the two poems ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ and ‘My Last Duchess’ by Robert Browning. What do they reveal about attitudes to women and relationships in the nineteenth century? Robert Browning was one of the greatest poets of the nineteenth century. In 1842, he published ‘Dramatic Lyrics’ which included the two poems ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ and ‘My Last Duchess’. In ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ Browning gives the reader a dramatic insight into the twisted mind of an abnormally possessive lover, who wishes the moment of love to last forever. In this essay, ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ will be compared to Robert Browning’s other dramatic monologue, ‘My Last Duchess’, where an Italian aristocrat reveals his cruelty to his late wife whilst showing off a portrait of her to one of his guests. Robert Browning’s poems ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ and ‘My Last Duchess’ were both written in the form of a dramatic monologue. Both poems show a similarity because they are both narrated from the male lover’s point of view. As a result, the reader becomes more closely involved in the poems and can feel very strong emotions for the individuals portrayed than if the poem was written from the eyes of an ‘outsider’. This form of writing enables Browning to use irony, in which the real meaning is concealed or contradicted by the literal meanings of the words. For example, in ‘My Last Duchess’ the Duke orders the death of his wife, though hides the true meaning in his words: ‘ Much the same smile? This grew; I gave commands; Then all smiles stopped together.’ ‘My Last Duchess’ is also written in the form of a single stanza poem, which is the unit of a poem that consists of two or more lines of verse organised according to the content and form and usually repeated as a recurring pattern in the poem. By contrast, ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ does not follow this pattern, but has a different rhyming scheme. On the surface, the narrators in each poem show completely different characteristics. In ‘Porphyria’s Lover’, the narrator shows powerful emotions towards Porphyria, which demonstrate his strong romantic feelings. The reader acknowledges that the narrator is passionately in love, as the following extract demonstrates. â€Å"Too weak, for all her heart’s endeavour, To set its struggling passion free From pride, and vainer ties dissever And give herself to me forever.†By contrast, the Duke in ‘My La... ...all night long we have not stirred And yet God has not said a word†You can compare this to ‘My Last Duchess’ where again, the Duke shows no remorse for ordering the death of his wife. The modern reader is given an insight into the way relationships between men and women were viewed in the last century, and earlier, during the time of the Renaissance. Without doubt, men had the dominant role, and women had little personal freedom. Women were duty-bound to show unquestioning respect for the men in their lives, regardless of how they were treated. In Porphyria’s lover, Browning shows us the vision of a woman who is not following this role model. In fact, she is completely the opposite, and as such, she is fulfilling the role of a male fantasy by taking a dominant role, with obvious sexual intentions. In the nineteenth century this would have had the dual effect of being both sensational and revolutionary. In the eyes of a modern reader, neither poem is particularly shocking, as people are more accustomed to material of a revealing nature. This shows that when reading and understanding texts, the reader has to bear in mind the times and context in which they were written.
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