Sunday, December 29, 2019
No Child Left Behind The United States Education System
Summary Evidence of change is heavily supported by the many change initiatives the United States’ education system has seen in the past few years. There have been programs and initiatives that have been implemented and replaced, due to their ineffectiveness as a whole. Programs such as No Child Left behind (2002) were brought in as an initiative to assist schools with bridging the gap for students who had fell behind or schools who were falling behind; however, this initiative failed due to its one size fits all methodology. The NCLB initiative became too much for schools and school officials to implement effectively. Consequently, in 2015 the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was created to fill the voids that were missing from NCLB. For example, NCLB accountability results were based on test scores alone, while ESSA focuses on multiple progress areas. ESSA provides a well-rounded education program for all students, regardless of their background or home environment. It includes more rigorous college and career readiness standards nationwide. These standards ensure that students nationwide are receiving the same information and skill sets. For example, the college and career readiness standards ensure that students are leaving grade school prepared to think critically, which will allow them to graduate from college or find a career outside of the college realm. NCLB lacked this foundation. The basis for which schools are assessed fall under many components, rather than justShow MoreRelatedThe Education System Of Education1728 Words  | 7 Pagesdays of preschool, â€Å"We the People†have all passed through the education system. Now that I have moved to a higher institution of learning I reflect on the lessons taught by our school system. It seemed to me that the lessons were not to challenging. In middle school, the teachers showed great care for the students. 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