Monday, January 6, 2020
A Christian Approach to Homosexuality - 7265 Words
CHRISTIAN APPROACH TO HOMOSEXUALITY 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION I. BIBLE AND HOMOSEXUALITY 1. Biblical View of Sexuality 2. Old Testament on Homosexuality 2a. Stories of Sodom and Gibeah 2b. Levitical Texts 3. New Testament on Homosexuality 3a. Paul’s Statements in Romans 3b. Other Pauline Texts II. BIOLOGY AND HOMOSEXUALITY III. LAW AND HOMOSEXUALITY IV. CHURCH AND THE HOMOSEXUAL CONCLUSION BIBLIOGRAPHY†¦show more content†¦BIBLICAL VIEW OF SEXUALITY The discussion on any issue related to sexuality has to begin from what the Bible teaches about sexuality and marriage. The first account of creation as given in Genesis 1 affirms the equality of sexes, since both were created in the image of God and both share the stewardship of the earth. The second account of creation as given in Genesis 2 affirms the complementarity of the sexes which constitutes the basis for heterosexual marriage. John Stott lists three fundamental truths that emerge from the second account of creation. The first truth is man’s need for companionship. God found that it is not good for man to be alone (2:18). Being created in the image of God who is love, man has the capacity and the need to love and to be loved. Here God declares that He will make ‘a helper’ or companion ‘suitable for him’. This companion was also designed to be his sexual partner with whom he was to become ‘one flesh’ and procreate children. Secon dly, Genesis 2 reveals God’s provision to meet man’s need. God parades before Adam all the beasts and the birds that he created. Having found no suitable companion for man among them, God makes a woman out of man. This was a special work of creation in which the sexes were differentiated. Out of the undifferentiated humanity of theShow MoreRelatedGender As A Person s Identity1111 Words  | 5 Pagesas the Holy Bible for the Catholics and the Quran for the Muslims. 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